Our attorneys can boast long years of experience in science and industry in the followfing technical fields:
  • Technical physics
  • Communication technology
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Medical technology
  • Chemistry
  • Molecular biology/Biochemistry
  • Biomedicine/Pharmacy

We understand what you do, and know what we are doing.

Our patent attorney with the most technical expertise about the invention will always be tasked with protecting your technology. Design and trademark matters will likewise be handled by specialized and experienced patent attorneys. This is because the best possible application strategy can only be developed given an understanding of what is to be protected.

We will be at your side in word and deed in all protective right proceedings before offices and courts, bringing our technical, strategic and legal knowledge to bear. We coordinate grant and registration procedures, and manage the industrial property rights portfolio of our clients, individually tailored to their needs. Along with our worldwide network of colleagues, we assist you in safeguarding your international intellectual property right interests. In our application strategies, we also keep an eye also on the particulars of foreign law (for example, US law).

With our attorneys we offer you the following services:

  • Patentability analysis and drafting Intellectual Property Right applications
  • Searches and legal status information
  • Conducting and coordinating grant and infringement proceedings
  • Defending own Intellectual Property Rights and proceeding against third-party rights
  • Preparation of “freedom to operate” opinions
  • Supervision of “due diligence” proceedings and evaluation of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Drafting of license and R&D contracts


Contact us. Also for your special assignment we will find the optimal solution.