Thomas L. Lederer, born in Rosenheim, studied physics, mechanical engineering and computer science at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Technical University of Berlin before turning to intellectual property law in 2007.

Among the German patent attorneys, he is one of the very few with a Master’s level university degree in computer science (Diplom-Informatiker Univ., from the LMU Munich). With informatics as his major subject, he elected statistics as his minor field.

His specialty is patent prosecution for computer-implemented inventions and in particular in the field of so-called “artificial intelligence”.

In addition to that, he contributes to the training for future Representatives before the European Patent Office as CEIPI tutor and is co-author of the “Commentary on the EPC 2000”.

He is fluent in German and English, has three dogs and practices the Japanese swordsmanship Iaidō.